2023-12-28 22:04:41 -

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2023-12-23 12:41:21 -

2023-12-17 15:18:39 -
外观颜值:看 做工细节:精细 容量空间:大

2023-12-24 11:02:42 -

2023-12-29 19:40:09 -


尤物这个词,最早是在读白居易的【真娘墓】中“脂肤荑手不牢固,世间尤物难留连”句子里,留心知道的。这里的尤物指姿色出众、性格比较倔强的女子,因为真娘不服妓院老鸨的压榨,又没有力量打到对方的情况下,自杀了断受辱的人生。虽然真娘年轻漂亮,歌舞出色,但是被当成摇钱树,受到目光短浅的老鸨的压榨。如果真娘是一个逆来顺受的女子,有一点心计,就会依靠一个权贵公子,或者王爷什么的,来做靠山。从而改变自己的 现状。不过,这要靠运气、耐心和智慧,才能做到。


记得以前读过一篇很有分量的散文,是说苏小小的,一个钱塘非常有名的妓女。她是南北朝时代,色艺双全的女子。由于时代悠久,加上文人墨客的夸张和修饰,所以苏小小就“被”尤物化了。譬如,小小喜欢坐油壁车,非常小资浪漫,夺人眼球;喜欢资助穷书生,死后能够得到善待。喜欢私奔,因为为了自由。喜欢自 由,所以从来不粘上恩客。每一个光顾的客人,都是小小的恩人。让每一个恩客放心来消费,绝没有后顾之忧是小小为人的准则。加上小小年纪轻轻就去世,留给后人非常多的想象空间。让很多文人雅士,都留下对苏小小感叹的诗词。非常有名的是白居易的诗:“苏州杨柳任君夸,更有钱塘胜馆娃。若解多情寻小小,绿杨深处是苏家。”看来白居易对尤物非常钟情,历史上很多女子,都逃脱不了这位写过【长恨歌】的诗人之笔端。后人对小小百般宠爱的因素有哪些呢?其中,小小比较独立的人格,广受各位嫖客的喜爱。姿色出众,又多才多艺,倍受骚客和文人的吹捧。绝对不会利用姿色去迷惑经验浅薄的恩客,让他们弹尽粮绝,家破人亡。所以小 小是一个公共的情人,只要你欣赏她,她就会让你开心而去,尽兴而归。而你绝对不要担心因为一夜情,而带来无穷无尽的担忧后怕。





按响萍水相逢的门铃/听 露重缠绵夜声声/三更的冷汗如藤/丝丝绕满手心。鸳鸯被卷/哆嗦着窈窕中诱惑的修远/浓厚的子夜/凉了艾蒿里的余温/放出一个个背影模糊的灵魂/早都麻木/陌生的热望在喧嚣中起伏。不如这样地和你作别/别再过小桥/捡起那根流年的竹篙/倒映不出/曾经山青水绿的含笑/麦浪里 金丝边草帽寻找的梦想/早已飞回故乡/落在梁祝的墓碑上。那举起的皓腕没有牵强/只是没有想到/这样草草地结束/一阵忐忑不安的眺望/天下男人的浅薄都刻在脸上/一条条蜿蜒而过 自由的赌场/只有你的目光/在书架每一个廉价的角落迷茫。敞开的门/默默地目送依然美丽的衣裳/静静怒放的泪花/在鸡的叫声中/横躺。黎明慢慢剪开/黑幕后一段彷徨/作鸡就要/就要有吵醒今夜的思想/不管能否/迎来早晨初升的太阳。

写完两首诗歌,才感觉一个有尤物潜质的“小安”,在看客的心理得到升华。不过也有男人是敢玩敢担当的。这里头要数唐玄宗最牛。一是把自己的儿媳搞到手,自然杨玉环,这个太真居士,长得很美,很富态,非常符合唐朝的审美标 准;二是因为和贵妃厮混,把个大好的唐朝河山,毁在安史之乱。从此,唐朝是一天不如一天,直到黄巢起义而导致病入膏肓。按理说,唐朝从太宗贞观之治,周再到玄宗的开元盛世,应该是国力强盛。但是安史之乱期间,唐朝军队溃不成军,可见唐明皇是如何地利用唐朝的资源,宠爱玉环大姐。玉环姐姐,绝对是一个顶天立地的玩主,不但姿色出众,而且从来只为讨皇上的欢心,半点规劝皇上治理国家的话,都不会说的。有的只是如何提高自己的舞技,如何配合皇上排练好霓裳羽衣曲。这里要的是讨主子欢心,不断提高个人修养,不让主子对自己的美色产生疲劳和厌倦,是玉环姐姐每时每刻都在琢磨的人生课题。就是这样,玉环姐姐还一身脂肉,真的不简单啊!怎么敢瘦?


玉环姐姐能够这样迷惑皇上,真是天下第一尤物!看来,尤物和皇上搞在一起,不成为天下第一都难。不过皇帝只有一个,尤物一后宫。要如何做到“三千宠 爱在一身”,非真正的尤物不能做到,就是要有智慧和心胸。这也是杨贵妃让白居易这个老色鬼非常钟情的地方,写出来的【长恨歌】非同凡响,影响深远。



比玉环姐姐稍微名声小一点的世纪尤物,是小周后。按照国学大师王国维在【人间词话】里,对李煜的描述,是针对他作为五代十国花间派的词宗而言的,但也道出这位后主的秉性,“......生于深宫之中,长于妇人之手,是后主为人君所短处,亦即为词人所长处。” 当时大周后还在病中,后主就迫不及待地把自己的小姨子召到后宫。有一首词,估计是后主写自己和小姨子偷情的实况:




看这句“教君恣意怜”,就知道小周后是一个非常有情调的女子。至于大周后知道后主移情到自己亲妹妹身上,从此再也没有正视一眼这个曾经跟自己一起整理唐朝流失的“霓裳羽衣曲”的如意郎君。看来大小周后都是全心全意讨皇上欢心,拉皇帝下水,成为浸淫后宫,无所事事的昏君。 因为小周后在大周后陪伴后主十年,香消玉殒之后,成功地上位而母仪南唐半壁江山也有十年。这个十年,是南唐国力凋零、屈辱求和的十年。小周后给予了后主不但肉体上的销魂,更有精神上的安慰,和醉生梦死的理由,寻找对自己无能懦夫解脱的借口。小周后在她十年的黄金时代,和杨玉环一样,从来没有去振作皇上抵抗北宋的男人气概,而是通过女人的柔顺和细腻,来安慰后主这颗可怜的灵魂。小周后人美,擅长歌咏后主新词,把后宫布置得病态一样的美,处处关心维护后主的短处,终于让南唐亡国,自己也被宋太祖封了一个郑国夫人。

小周后没有被后人谴责,因为李后主不是政治强人,是天生的词人,多愁善感,优柔寡断。更重要的原因是,虽然后主成为阶下囚,还是一往深情地跟随后主。这一点还是不简单。更不简单的是,在宋太宗不断蹂躏自己的肉体之后,依然没有寻短见,还陪伴在后主身边,虽然每一次都哭骂后主的软弱。要做一个一般的 尤物不是太难,但是要做一个像小周后一样的尤物,在逆境之下,不改尤物本色的女子,是不容易的。最最绝的是,在李后主被毒死之后,悲痛过度,跟随后主而 去。这种爱情和精神,已经超出了尤物那种贬义的范畴,而变得神圣起来。


“......说着大家来至秦氏卧房。刚至房中,便有一股细细的甜香。宝玉此时便觉眼饧骨软,连说:“好香!”入房向壁上看时,有唐伯虎画的《海棠春睡图》,两边有宋学士秦太虚写的一副对联云:“嫩寒锁梦因春冷,芳气袭人是酒香。”案上设着武则天当日镜室中设的宝镜,一边摆着赵飞燕立着舞的金盘,盘 内盛着安禄山掷过伤了太真乳的木瓜。上面设着寿昌公主于含章殿下卧的宝榻,悬的是同昌公主制的连珠帐。”

文字里无处不飘逸着淫秽、奢华气息。能让一个情窦初开,在脂粉堆里打滚的宝玉钟情的地方,自然是意淫最好的场所。秦可卿和自己的公公贾珍搞在一起, 还怀上了孽种。可见,贾珍是一个风流场上的高手,也是李隆基一样不顾人间道德伦理的畜生。既然贾珍敢冒乱伦的罪名,也要和儿媳妇搞到一起,说明秦可卿秀色可餐之外,还有性格柔顺,以及贾珍玩弄女性手法高明。同时也说明可卿的男人贾蓉不行,一是可卿和贾蓉夫妻多年,也没有怀上;而和自己的公公偷情,却怀上 了,难道贾蓉不育,还是曹大人瞎编?


可卿作为一个绝色女子,没有太明细的家庭背景,因为是人家抱养的,生身父母不知是谁。从小就非常会做人,赢得各个阶层人物的好口碑。这个不是一般的 尤物可以做到的,可见一个出身比较贫穷的美女,作尤物不是一般得难。为了保持自己少奶奶的头衔,不惜充当自己公公的尤物。这和中国当今社会的“干爹”认 “干女人”有得一拼,更加反映出曹大人眼光卓绝,能看到几百年之后的中国,尤物事业的蓬勃发展。


My husband loved his new shoes. He wears them all of the time.
- Switzerland

Been getting these forever, love the fit, 13 4E. Perfect, comfortable.
- Switzerland

I have wide feet and ordered extra wide. They fit great.The sneaker looks fine too.
- Switzerland

The shoes have greatly reduced the pain that I was suffering due to fallen arches in my feet.
- Switzerland

Comfortable, good sole and inner sole. Have worn this make for several years -- hope they keep making them.
- Singapore

I love these shoes. Great price, Nike Air for less then $100. I like them so much that I bought a 2nd pair for Pickleball.
- Liberia

Always a favorite work shoe. Excellent arch support. Could have gone a half size larger from what the foot size gadget at the shoe store read.
- Singapore

I needed an all leather shoe for my trips in the fall and winter. Bought this because I have had great experiences with similar shoes - which needed replacing.
- Liberia

The shoes were delivered promptly, fit very well, and are comfortable. I've worn them all day three times since receiving them a week ago, and have no complaints; I'm very well satisfied. 5 stars.
- Switzerland

Ive had these before which is the reason i bought them, yes they are squicky so just add baby powder under the sole and on top and itll fix that, i got the 4E and dont worry about the 4E(M) its just men, they feel like ur on a cloud
- Singapore

2023-12-04 04:20:12--
Awesome quality.. The inside of the coin bag is the only difference from the original version. I highly recommend the seller.. I will order more products... FYI: the leather and stitching is great. My friends do not know the difference...

2023-12-04 04:19:56--
Customer service was awesome my order shipped within the first week! Ordered January 17th received February 4th. Tracking was very easy and I am pleased with my purchase will definitely be ordering more soon!

2023-12-04 04:19:56--
Customer service was awesome my order shipped within the first week! Ordered January 17th received February 4th. Tracking was very easy and I am pleased with my purchase will definitely be ordering more soon!

2023-12-04 04:18:59--
I have been buying these for about 15 years. Because I am 55 years old and have a problem with arthritis in my right knee, I also put the Dr. Schollamp;amp;apos;s arthritis inserts in the shoe; that makes a perfect combination for me

2023-12-04 04:10:28--
Great for the price, this is amazing seller with awesome communication. High quality with all extra accessories in original box. Shipping great

2023-12-04 04:10:10--
I absolutely love these shoes! They look great, the service was exceptional and they fit great. I could have gone a size down but it’s not a big deal.

2023-12-04 04:09:46--
The shoes are amazing! You can even tell the difference between the real ones. Delivery took a while by there was good communication with the seller. Thank you

2023-12-04 04:08:35--
They’re bulkier than I thought they would be. But overall nicely made shoe. Left one has glue on the suede on the toe part but I’m sure I can get that off. Shipping time was 3 weeks.

2023-12-04 04:07:59--
Very cool and good shoes, one problem tho, there was a dried line of glue on the sole but very easy to get off using a blow dryer. Overall it was good and seller is good with communication as well.

2023-12-04 04:05:00--
Very happy about item, will for sure order again. Shipping was very quick.Item is very hard to tell apart, good quality Super nice shoes truly authentic stitching and everything perfect awesome seller from start to finish to delivery under three weeks I highly recommend this seller track in math it was also very good

2023-12-04 04:04:57--
This was my first time ordering so I was so skeptical. I received my order today and it was absolutely flawless!! For the price the quality is definitely top notch. Will definitely order again from this seller. Shipping wasn’t expected until May but arrived way before time. Literally arrived 2 weeks before shipping date

2023-12-04 04:00:43--
Take a size 43. It fits perfectly, and it's easy to wear. If you can have a few days, that would be great! I suggest that it is very important to choose your size according to the size chart

2023-12-04 03:59:27--
Perfect shoes in terms of design but far too large. They correspond more to 45/46 than to 44 ... Too bad.

2023-12-04 03:58:52--
Don’t order by this shop! I ordered the shoes on 28th of October, and till this day I never received anything! When I ask where my shoes were, first he said they were in my country, and the next day he said I didn’t pay! It doesn’t makes no sense, cuz on this app U need to pay first, before ur order will be accept! LOST MY MONEY, AND GOT NO SHOES!!!!!!!

2023-12-04 03:58:07--
Very happy with this item!!!

2023-12-04 03:54:53--
Satisfied, I will continue to order more within a week, the price is favorable, the product is excellent

2023-12-04 03:54:24--
Fantastic quality, Very impressed with the seller's communication too the order and the seller was swift and helpful in their response. Delivery was also extremely swift too I recommend them highly enoug

2023-12-04 03:52:04--
Really happy with my products really comfortable and great prices will definitely be ordering again

2023-12-04 03:51:10--
quality is alright

2023-12-04 03:50:28--
Looks just like the real ones. Love them

2023-12-04 03:49:26--
The shoes are nice and comfortable and look tall and perfect and warm

2023-12-04 03:47:32--
The quality is quite good, the seller's attitude is good, there are questions to answer, worth buying oh.

2023-12-04 03:43:13--
The goods have been received and the service attitude of the merchant is very good. Iamp;apos;ll go shopping at your house next time

2023-12-04 03:43:00--
I will place the order 9 days after the product arrives and deliver the goods as soon as possible. I have never received the goods from DH and will purchase more from this seller.

2023-12-04 03:41:59--
Comes with logo which makes it more realistic.

2023-12-04 03:40:58--
Great Exactly What I W anted

2023-12-04 03:40:20--
Exactly what i wanted

2023-12-04 03:38:22--
Received in 3 weeks in France ... Impeccable thank you

2023-12-04 03:37:27--
The closure of the bracelet is completely different than that of the original damage!

2023-12-04 03:36:03--

2023-12-04 03:35:52--
Ordene blue and arrived green they sent them message and they remained the blue but nothing, it is beautiful but it was not the color that I wanted

2023-12-04 03:35:11--
I love them!!!

2023-12-04 03:34:29--
Meets expectations BEAUTIFUL !!!!

2023-12-04 03:32:51--
Quick shipping and beautiful well made item!

2023-12-04 03:31:50--
It’s very hard to get on and off but the quality is good. It says ** on the inside of the bracelet

2023-12-04 03:28:46--
As pictured and was very pleased with the design and quality of the product. Thanks will buy from again

2023-12-04 03:27:12--
Always perfect with this seller! Fastest shipping ever seen! 6 stars

2023-12-04 03:26:55--
Bracelet is gorgeous but the box came soaking wet in some substance which made the entire box, bag it came with tear apart. At least the bracelet is cute!

2023-12-04 03:26:29--
took a long time to arrive,didmt come witj box but its ok for the price

2023-12-04 03:26:21--
Glasses are really nice. They sent me the wrong color, i ordered the black and got sent the white - they’re still really nice just wish i got the black ones

2023-12-04 03:26:05--
amazing !!

2023-12-04 03:25:34--
Very nice bracelets.

2023-12-04 03:20:49--
Nice belts good quality will buy again

2023-12-04 03:20:12--
Amazing WALLET. Looks really luxurious and expensive. I recommend this seller

2023-12-04 03:18:30--
Very pretty and looked exactly like the picture!

2023-12-04 03:16:42--
Fast shipping and great item!

2023-12-04 03:07:46--
Just as described and fast shipping very happy with purchases.

2023-12-04 03:07:02--
They are beautiful and look like what you get at the st@re. Quick shipping and package well

2023-12-04 03:06:20--
Love the earrings looks good on and even better in person just wish they were a little bit bigger but overall still nice I would buy again from the seller shipment arrived on time ❤️👍

2023-12-04 03:03:57--
Will buy from the seller again, highly recommended!

2023-12-04 03:02:40--
This is one of the cutest necklaces I bought - I purchased threen - And ALL of them are SUPER CUTE! I love them and will definitely shop again when needed. Thanks, great buy! looks expensive it was shipped really fast aswell.

2023-12-04 03:01:21--
good product except that the chain is slightly slip on the ring

Displaying 721 to 772 (of 772 reviews)

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